• Fall/Spring membership fee for returning students is $50 for the first child and $40 for each additional child.
• Fall/Spring membership fee for new students is $60 for the first child and $40 for each additional child.
• Summer membership fee is $40 for new students and $30 per family for returning students.
2. Tuition and Fees – In order for a student to participate in any of the programs offered at OSAS, all paperwork must be completed, and all fees paid.
3. Tuition Due on the 1st of EACH MONTH – OSAS is on a monthly computer billing system called autopay. We DO NOT send out a monthly reminder. All auto payments will be processed on the first of the month. If the 1st falls on a weekend or holiday tuition will be drafted on the Friday before. If payment is returned for NSF or for any other reason, your account will be assessed a $30 reprocessing fee. You will receive a statement only for returned auto-payments, late tuition. We will be e-mailing all statements and correspondence (i.e. newsletters). It is imperative that you keep your e-mail address current throughout the year. **DOES NOT APPLY TO SUMMER SESSION**
4. Tuition remains the same whether the month is long (5 weeks) or short (2 weeks) and regardless of absences. Tuition has been calculated for the whole year and is simply divided into 10 monthly payments. If tuition is two months delinquent on a payment, the student is subject to dismissal. The Fall/Spring session ends in May. **DOES NOT APPLY TO SUMMER SESSION*
5. Non-Sufficient Funds for Auto-Payments or Returned Checks - There will be a $30 charge on all returned checks. After two (2) N.S.F. returned auto-payments or checks, payments must be in the form of cash, cashier’s check, or money order.
6. Insurance –OSAS DOES NOT carry medical insurance for its students. It is required that all students be covered by their own family’s insurance policies, and if injury occurs, it is understood that the student’s own policy is your only source of reimbursement.
7. Bad Weather – The studio will not necessarily close for snow days. We follow KISD. Many times, roads are clear and safe by 2:30 PM. If in doubt, call the studio for a recording on class closings, or check our website at onsetacting.com and our social media as well. If we do close the studio due to bad weather, you may make up any days missed (no refunds will be given due to bad weather)
8. Holidays – Holidays will follow the Keller Independent School for the most part. Holiday dates will always be posted on the website. We DO NOT CLOSE for Staff Development Days. As always, you may make up any days missed due to a holiday. We do not prorate for bad weather days or holidays. We encourage your child to take a make-up class for any missed classes due to holidays or bad weather days. **DOES NOT APPLY TO SUMMER SESSION**
9. Attendance – Attendance is taken at each class. GOOD ATTENDANCE is imperative as absences and tardiness can hold back an entire class and the studio cannot jeopardize its responsibilities to the rest of the class for one student. Please make every effort to have your child at every class. You may make up any days missed due to an illness, but only during the same month. There are NO refunds, credits, or pro-rated tuition for missed lessons. IF YOU ATTEND ANY PORTION OF THE MONTH, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FULL MONTHLY TUITION.
10. Class Observation – We have set class observation days during the year. Observing inside the classroom at any other time is not allowed. We have found the students do much better when the instructor can have their sole attention. Our studio has a viewing window through which parents are welcome to watch their child’s class from the hallway. **DOES NOT APPLY TO SUMMER SESSION**
11. Withdrawals – Any student who drops out of the program MUST GIVE WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE OFFICE PRIOR TO THE NEXT MONTH’S BILLING DATE. This will stop the billing process. If the customer does not give written notice, monthly tuition will still be processed through auto-pay for the next month’s classes and they will be financially responsible for the amount. IF YOU ATTEND ANY PORTION OF THE MONTH, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FULL MONTHLY TUITION.
12. OSAS reserves the right to ask anyone to leave On Set Acting Studio if they are not acting in the best interest On Set Acting Studio.
13. If a class enrollment is too small, On Set Acting Studio reserves the right to cancel or combine that class with another appropriate class.
14. I grant OSAS and its agents and employees the irrevocable and unrestricted right to reproduce the photographs and/or video images taken of me, or members of my family, for the purpose of publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, or trade, in any manner or in any medium. I hereby release On Set Acting Studio and its legal representatives for all claims and liability relating to said images or video. Furthermore, I grant permission to use my statements with or without my name, for the purpose of advertising and publicity without my name for the purpose of advertising and publicity without restriction. I waive my rights to any compensation.
15. I agree that I have received the Parent Packet, Understand Traffic Flow, and that the teachers are on a strict time schedule and will call, if necessary, to speak with a teacher. We are pleased to welcome you to On Set Acting Studio. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to discuss them with us whenever it does not interfere with class time. We are always interested in improving your child’s acting education!